Oh, and the name of "the auto parts store" turns out to be "Default Auto Parts". He finds her quickly, which wouldn't happen in Real Life Pittsburgh, where most people would think of Advanced Auto Parts, of which there are over a dozen locations in the city and the surrounding area. This becomes a key point, where Reacher wonders which store the girl might be talking about when mentioning "the auto part store". Brand X: While Pittsburgh natives may recognize some landmarks and store locations, all the names have been changed, including the stadiums.Blasting It Out of Their Hands: A lucky shot by Gunny manages to hit Charlie's sniper rifle, disabling it and forcing him to trade in for a standard rifle that will require him to fight Reacher on even terms.This ties nicely into said Big Bad's rants about survival and lifelong prison sentences. Bilingual Bonus: The name of the Big Bad's company, Lebendauer, is just one S short of "Lebensdauer", which is German for "lifespan" or "lifetime".Big Bad: The Zec is the man behind the killings.Battle in the Rain: The final battle takes place in the middle of the rain.Bathroom Brawl: Jack gets attacked by two idiot Mooks with a crowbar and an aluminum baseball bat in a bathroom.
More jack reacher films driver#
Badass Driver: While Jack has been described as an average to poor driver in the novels, in the film, save for having crashed into a fire hydrant and overshot a turn, he's quite the driver (in which all the stunts were done by Tom Cruise).Reacher: How about the inside of an ambulance?
Both Helen and Reacher believe that Rodin is in bed with Lebendauer because of this, but he turns out to be a Red Herring. Helen Rodin, the DA's own daughter, is pretty sure that many innocent people have ended up in jail or worse as a result and takes the Barr case to fight this.
Gunny: Well, you can always start running.